Goals (Ever Changing/Ever Growing)

Be a Life Resource 
  • Pass along information that is useful, eye opening, mindful provoking for positive outcomes
  • Study subjects before passing half-truths to others
  • Start/Be a part of a group (mothers with troubled teens, disabled kids, young mothers, etc.)
  • Work on communication style, methods and avenues of using 
  • Work on combining all things learned into a program of some sort!!!

Financially Conscious/Frugal Minded
  • Build a budget/stick to it!
  • Only shop for necessities
  • Buy used or sale items only (never pay full price)/ask others for items they no longer use
  • Utilize garage sale sites, Craigslist, etc
  • Shop on Tuesdays at HEB for triple points
  • Limit fast food/restaurant eating
  • Use A+ card regularly/Coupons
  • Sell items that we are no longer using
  • Be mindful of wasteful use of energy at home, wash full loads of laundry only
  • Plan meals ahead of time

Health Conscious
  • Plan meals/make desserts at home
  • Limit sugar intake (especially for babies)
  • Buy more fruit and veggies
  • Go to park consistently
  • Exercise regularly (lol...yeah right...but I'm gonna try)
  • Keep preventative appts (medical/dental)

Give Back/Help Someone/Create Go Packs
  • Create kits for homeless/in-need throughout the year (ideas to come)
  • Research where there are needs (orgs that help fire victims, homeless, abuse victims)
  • Nursing homes (decorate, read to, visit, music therapy, etc.)
  • Ask family & friends to de-clutter and donate items
  • Donate unused/under utilized items

Learn & Be Open To Other Religions
  • Learn to have first hand knowledge and the ability to understand perspectives
  • Don't try to defend or challenge beliefs
  • YouTube documentaries
  • Research at library, google, etc
  • Read sacred doctrine on specifics
  • Gnostic Gospels, Islam, Judaism, Mormon, Jehovah, etc

Regular Family Time
  • Schedule monthly dinner/breakfast with kids, parents, siblings, in-laws, etc 
  • Visit grandma Perez on a regular basis
  • Spend 1:1 quality time with each child
  • Write Anthony 2x a week

Me Time
  • Daily Prayer/Meditation
  • Time Alone 
  • Reading
  • Time W/Friends

  • House
  • Pics
  • Car
  • Take inventory 
  • Start small/don't get overwhelmed
  • Section a day/fex x's a week

Lessons For Babies
  • Sign language
  • Spanish 

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