Once again it's been a whole 7 days since I've last written. Writing once a week wasn't part of my plan for this blog, but currently that is my pace. It seems with all the things going on in my life there just isn't enough time to do it all. I know this first hand and have known for quite some time, but I never fail to disappoint myself in believing that I can achieve much more than I actually plan for. It's like a never ending battle with myself. I'm sure many of you have felt this way. The truth is that although I didn't set any "resolutions" for 2014, I did promise myself that I would have a new outlook and standard way of managing my life.
One of my "to do's" was to get rid of clutter (physical and spiritual clutter) so that I can have a clearer vision to work with so that I may follow my true passion of writing and creating. I realize that making a list of "to do's" can actually overwhelm and create more work, but I hoped to use it as a guide instead of as a "must do" list. But here we are...haha. The truth is that I need to actually manage my time better...bottom line...point blank.
So with all this at the forefront of my mind, I'm utilizing a few "here and there's" from others and working with the various techniques to come up with my own. I will begin adding the websites for those that I find useful. I promise to update more.
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