Ever get tired of the “Change Is Good” proclamation? I know I have. In my opinion change is not necessarily good or bad…just inevitable.
Life is full of experiences. We grow physically, mentally and spiritually. We gain-we lose. We enjoy-we are disappointed. We create-we destroy. We attain-we give away. The list goes on.
Many times when I would hear the “change is good” speech; I would stop and try to convince myself that it is in fact true. I tend to analyze these types of proclamations because they don’t feel genuine in spirit or truth. It seems to be a reflex response in our society today. I believe the underlying intent of whoever is making the statement is to lessen the discomfort of the loss of “what once was”. It’s easier and feels better to give a good ‘ole pat on the back with that line instead of saying “damn this sucks” or “sorry for your situation”. On the surface it appears to alleviate any raw pain that comes with the perceived loss. I say perceived because nothing is ours to begin with…another time/another post. ☺
The truth is that change is inevitable. There is absolutely no way around that. Our world is structured so that there is nothing of permanence. NO-THING. Every creation under the sun is designed for natural and unnatural alteration. Nothing remains the same. We are in constant change.
So in those moments of reflection of “what once was”, we have to be clear and cognizant of “what IS”….NOW.
Right now in this very moment is all we truthfully have. Unfortunately we live in such a fast paced regretful world; that we are either always looking toward the future for empty promises or remembering the past (good/bad and sometimes both).
I’ve come to the conclusion that “change” by design is imperative. We can be an ungrateful and complacent species. Change is that constant reminder that NO-THING is of permanence - requiring us to stay in a grateful spirit if we are to truly appreciate the many gifts life offers us. We tend to appreciate the things that “no longer are” because we have the knowledge that our perceived possession of them no longer exist.
Remember it’s the NOW…Be in it at all times. Love, appreciate, celebrate and live from where you stand, not from a THEN or THERE…but from the HERE. It will save you from the sorrow of regret. We will all experience the pain of change, but knowing you were in it when “it was” saves you the regret of the perceived loss. No-thing is for us to keep…it’s all to be honored, celebrated and loved when “it is”.
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