Sunday, December 31, 2017

I Am Enough? You Are More!

Affirmations have played a role in my life. They've lifted me up from the dirt in those moments of my own self loathing. Although I no longer utilize them the way I once did; I can appreciate those who practice the practice of affirming for themselves.

In saying that, I've noticed the I AM ENOUGH campaign that has hit our society. I see it on clothing, mugs, stickers, banners, posts, articles, etc. Just those three words. I AM ENOUGH.

Initially I thought...I'm in agreement. I am enough. Point blank - period. But it has me wondering if that's enough. I understand the need for those words in a society where there is much abuse and hatred. Whether we've endured it for ourselves or if we are the offender of the ugliness. We are raising future generations of discontent, malice, fear, abused, ill-mannered, disrespectful people. It's no wonder we are broken. We spend more time tearing eachother down instead of building upon the layers.

So yes I understand the need for those affirming words for someone's soul. It can be powerful. It is supposed to be. But then what? Do we stop there? Do we affirm ourselves to a higher podium within - that only we can see or do we move to the next level?

The truth is WE ARE MORE. We are more than what we've been conditioned to believe. Life has altered the clarity of our abilities. When quadraplegics run more miles than me, a parent whose lost a child can still smile or when the less financially secured provide more to others than I do....then there is no excuse. Even without these references; there's no excuse.

I can recall as a child being told "You can do and be anything you put your mind to". Do you remember that? I say it to my own children because I believe it still. I struggle at times with my own circumstances. I don't always do my best in pulling myself out of the heaviness of it all.

The fact of life is that we all have struggles. We were not promised a life without them. Let us not let those struggles define us or our ability to be more. Affirm if you must. But once you're awareness is awoken to the truth of who God made you to be...then understand YOU ARE MORE.

There is a requirement on each of our lives to be more in whatever capacity that is ours.

I pray that the glory of God comes alive in each of us and is magnified.

You are enough. You are also so much more!

#MoreThanEnough #Magnify

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